The Diocese of Exeter leaflet “Is God calling you to be A DEACON?” is a useful overview of what a deacon is and does, the questions you could be asking, and your next steps. The links below contain much more information and assistance.

What is a distinctive deacon?
Answering some common questions

Discerning vocation to the Distinctive Diaconate
Canon Rebecca Swyer lays more of the theological foundations

The Six Qualities of diaconal vocation
from the new Formation Framework for Ordained Distinctive Diaconal Ministry 2022

Reflections on BAP
Ordinands and curates share their experiences of going through the process

Deacon by Design
Rev Deacon Gill Kimber, former Chair of CENDD, shares the ups and downs of an Anglican Deacon

Discernment for incumbents
Why have a distinctive deacon?